Special Keynote/特別基調講演

群馬大学・医理工連携プロジェクト 主催


Date: Wednesday, 20th March 2019

Time: 11:00-12:00

Venue: Kokusai-Kaigishitsu room, Kiryu City Performing Arts Center, Kiryu City, Japan

桐生市民文化会館4階 国際会議室



l  群馬大学理工学部・医学部の学部学生・大学院生向けの学術講演です.

l  医学,技術に関する素養のある一般の方の聴講参加も歓迎します.

l  英語のみでの講演です.質疑応答も全て英語で行われます.

l  国際シンポジウムSMME2019との共催イベントとして実施します.




2015-01-07 jsc2015e002149

Prof. John Charles (NASA (ret.), USA)

[Title] From Here to Mars: How the Twins Study and the Year-long Mission on the International Space Station Have Moved Us Closer to the Red Planet
The work of NASA's Human Research Program is focused on overcoming the hazards and risks to astronauts on multi-year deep-space exploration missions. The year-long expedition of Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko provided important information on the solutions to those biomedical problems. It also highlighted the costs and benefits of highly complex investigations in spaceflight that require the participation of multinational research teams. Serendipitously, this mission provided the first opportunity to study the effects of spaceflight on the human body using a genetically nearly-identical control subject on Earth. This presentation will review the planning for and implementation of the joint year-long expedition on ISS. Then it will describe some of the results from that mission. Finally, it will lay out plans for follow-on investigations and opportunities for future multinational research.


Venue: Kiryu City Performing Arts Center

[About Prof. Dr. John Charles / 講師略歴]

Dr. John Charles is a life-long space nerd and a long-time NASA life scientist and manager fascinated with spaceflight history and the space life sciences.

He earned his B.S. in biophysics at The Ohio State University in 1977 and his Ph.D. in physiology and biophysics at the University of Kentucky in 1983.

He retired from NASA in February 2018 after nearly thirty-three years in a career that began when he was a cardiovascular investigator on Space Shuttle flights, spanned the NASA missions to the Russian space station Mir, the Shuttle flight of John Glenn, and Columbia’s last mission, and included overseeing the joint US/Russian one-year mission on ISS and the Twins Study.

He says his career highpoint was his six years as Chief Scientist of NASA’s Human Research Program, guiding NASA biomedical research on the International Space Station in preparation for sending astronauts to Mars.

Now semi-retired, John is the first scientist-in-residence at Space Center Houston, the official visitors center of the Johnson Space Center.

He is Adjunct Professor of Kinesiology at Texas A&M University. He is also a consultant to StemRad Ltd, an Israeli company building radiation protection garments for Orion crews. John and his wife Kathy own ACT4Space, LLC, a private outreach, education, research, and consulting business.


(日本語訳, Japanese translation)

Dr. John Charlesは、生涯の宇宙好きで、宇宙飛行の歴史、ライフサイエンスを愛し、長期に渡り、NASAの科学者でいらっしゃいました。

33年間近く務めたNASAでの業務は、スペースシャトル飛行でのcardiovascular investigatorから始まり、NASAミッションとロシアのスペースステーションMirの架け橋を作り、ジョングレンのシャトルフライト、コロンビア号最後のミッション、アメリカとロシア共同によるISSでの1年ミッション 、Twins Study等広くに及びます。


2018年に33年近く務めたNASAを名誉退職し、現在JSCfirst scientist-in-residenceであり、A&M Universityで運動学の非常勤教授、Stem Ltd.のコンサルタントも務めます。(イスラエルの放射能を遮断する衣服をオリオンクルーの為に作成している会社)

Dr. Charlesと奥様のKathyさんは ACT4Space LLC を設立しています。(プライベートアウトリーチ、教育、リサーチ、コンサルティングビジネス)